Description of real estate

The land sold by us offers a number of possible uses. It includes arable land, forests, pastures, meadows, and developed agricultural land as well as land overgrown with trees/bushes. We offer more than 50 plots – both small and large areas of many hectares for varied use. Excerpts from the land register for all the land sold by us are included below. They will help you get familiar with the specificity of each of the plots.

Excerpts from the land register



Contact details

POLHOZ Sp. z o.o.
ul. Główna 9, Szymankowo, 82-224 Lichnowy
tel.: + 48 55 271 19 46
fax: + 48 55 271 19 06

Biuro Zarządu POLHOZ Sp. z o.o.
Świńcz 15, 83-000 Pruszcz Gdański
tel.: +48 58 304 76 18
fax: +48 58 304 76 38